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2013 CKSF Youth Camp Success and Photos!

글쓴이 : 운영자 날짜 : 2015-04-18 (토) 18:46 조회 : 13463

Thank you so much for another wonderful year at this years 2013 CKSF youth summer camp!! We would like to sincerely express our thank you to all the children and parents who attended our 2013 CKSF summer camp! We would like to share some photos to share our amazing memories this year!

We wanted to introduce and teach our youth about Korean culture, as they are all growing up in a Western society here in Canada. We taught them how to make and play (딱지). We made 밥빙수(an extremely popular Korean dessert), as well as kimchi and traditional Korean masks () out of paper mache. We also played a scavenger hunt, where they found pieces of the Korean hanbok, as well as played trivia games learning about Korean culture!!


Aside from learning about Korean culture, our youth had a chance to play many different games such as dodgeball and capture the flag, as well as swimming at the Southland Leisure Center and a large BBQ at Edworthy Park! We had so much fun during our 2013 CKSF camp! We hope to see familiar and new faces next year!!


Naomi & David (co-chairs)






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