총 게시물 6건, 최근 0 건 안내 글쓰기
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2013 CKSF Summer Youth Camp Application and Information

글쓴이 : 운영자 날짜 : 2015-04-18 (토) 18:43 조회 : 4551
As part of the Calgary Korean Scholarship Foundation, we are excited to announce that we are holding our 3rd CKSF youth summer camp in July and August. This camp is for students entering grades 4, 5, and 6 in September 2013.  We will be holding an information session shortly before the camp to inform the parents of all plans and activities. Thank you, and we hope to see you and your children there!

The camp is scheduled for 2 weeks, from July 22nd to August 2nd, excluding weekends, and from 9am to 1pm

Activities include:
Sports (ex. Swimming, Gym Activities)
Cooking (ex. Simple Korean Cooking)
Arts (ex. Paper mache masks, folding papers)
Korean Culture related activities (ex. singing songs, traditional sport, etc)

The camp is fully planned and ran by University students who are dedicated to provide participants an unforgettable experience. 

Main locations of the day camp will be:
Calgary Korean Central Full Gospel Church (2210 28 Street SW, Calgary, AB)
Edworthy Park (August 2nd)
Calgary Zoo (July 26th)

Parents or guardians must be able to drop off their kids at the stated facility by 9:00 a.m. Pick up must be done by 1:00 p.m.
There are two ways to send in the application:

1. Email
Open the Application using Adobe Acrobat, type in the necessary information, Save, then send the application via email to NAOMI.LEE@ucalgary.ca

You may also complete the form in pen and send the scanned version of the form.

Please print the completed application form, sign, then bring the signed form to the orientation day (to be announced). 

2. Mail
You may complete the form in pen and send the application via mail to the following address:
Naomi Lee
46 Valley Ponds Way NW
Calgary, AB T3B-5T5

Contact Information:
If you have any questions, please utilize our forum or direct the question to the following email address or phone numbers:
Naomi.Lee@ucalgary.ca (이명희 Naomi Lee)
403-477-5739 (차주영 David Cha)
403-918-7275 (박규엽 Kyuyop Park)
- Grade is based on September of 2013. Children who are going into grade 7 this fall may also apply. However, if the number of applicants exceed 40, we may not be able to accept them. 
- There will be a fee of only $10 for the t-shirts we will be providing for the children. Everything else will be paid for in full by us (i.e., pool, snacks, etc...)

There are two files attached below. One is the application, and the other is the poster you may have seen around Calgary in your local Korean grocery stores, hair salons, or churches!

이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기

총 게시물 6건, 최근 0 건 안내
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신성용 (SY Shin) *.147.110.13 http://cksf.hosterbox.net/13452 40명 신청 마감되었습니다. 감사합니다. We are accepting no more applications. Thank you.  …
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