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2017 캘거리 장학의날 -연아마튼 상원의원 축하 인사

글쓴이 : Admin 날짜 : 2017-10-12 (목) 23:58 조회 : 2598

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총 게시물 5건, 최근 0 건 안내
Korean Scholarship Gala 2013
2013 CKSF Awards Day- Yonah Martin Greeting
October 30, 2010  Welcoming Remarks Greetings, Welcome to CKSF’s gala.  I am very delighted to welcome our distinguishedguests, Mr. Rob Anders, the Southwest Conservative MP, communityleaders, supporters of our foundation, past and new CKSF award recipients,and their parents.  Today, we are gathered here to celebrate andcongratulate this year’s CKSF scholarship recipients, some of the very fineemerging leaders in our community. There are more than 30,000 Korean-Canadians living in southern Alberta,including Calg…
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