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2011 CKSF Scholarship Application Form (EDITED)

글쓴이 : 운영자 날짜 : 2015-04-18 (토) 15:56 조회 : 2853

July 8th Correction:

The sentence regarding the letter of reference on the application form (number 4) was partially cut. It has been revised. It should say:

  • 4) One letter of reference (SEALED and SIGNED on the back of the envelope by the referee; no need to provide copies)

2011 CKSF Scholarship Application Form is now up. Please complete the form and send the completed package to the address mentioned in the application form.

Things to consider:

  1. Application requires 1 original AND 5 copies of EVERY document (except for transcripts and reference letters). 
  2. There is no need to provide the original copy of awards. Photocopy will be accepted.
  3. Reference letters must be SEALED and SIGNED, not only on the letter itself but also on the outside seal of the envelope. To be considered as a legitimate reference letter, signature must be present over the seal of the envelope. 
  4. If you are applying or have obtained any other scholarship/bursary awards, please make sure to state in the appropriate section of the application form. False or incomplete information will lead to disqualification. 
  5. The Applicant must provide a clear facial photo of him/herself either via email and/or include the picture in the application package. No need to provide copies.
  6. Canada Post Strike: Due to Canada post strike, you may not be able to mail in the documents. To be safe, please drop them off at the mentioned address (refer to the 2nd page of the application form).

Please follow the instructions carefully and provide all the necessary documents for evaluation. Any applications that fail to meet the requirements will not be considered for evaluation.

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