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2015 캘거리 장학의 날-10월 3일 오후 5시 캘거리 한인회관

글쓴이 : Admin 날짜 : 2015-09-09 (수) 04:12 조회 : 7087

CKSF 2015 Awards Day Program

Part I. 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Opening Remarks: MCs Bryant Lee (이병근) & Jenna Do (도지은)

  • Welcome and Greeting: Byung Kee Min, President of the CKSF

  • Honorable Senator Yonah Martin

  • George Fixler, QC, Honorary Consul General for the Republic of Korea

  • Soo Keun Kim, President of the Calgary Korean Association

  • Presentation the Merit Plaque & Appreciation Plaques

    • Daniel YoungMan Hwang: Merit plaque

    • LeeDong Han, Calgary Korean Lions Club, Calgary Korean Association: Appreciation Plaques

  • Music Performance: Angela Hyun A Ryu, Violin

Kevin Hyunwoo Kang, Violin

Songs: 1. Liebesfreud by Fritz Kreisler (Violin solo by Angela Ryu)

2. Mozart Concerto in G Major Second Movement (Violin solo by

   Kevin Kang)

3. Boccherini 6 Duos Number 1 First Movement (Duet)

6:15 pm – 7:00 pm Dinner & Refreshments

Part II: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

  • Keynote Speaker – Honourable Senator Yonah Martin

    • Korean War Veterans of Canada Scholarship

  • Jae Shim: 2015 CKSF Scholarships Recipients Selection Process

  • Presentation of Scholarships

  • Response from Recipients

Eun Young Kang (U of C, Medicine), Jennifer Khil (U of C), Curtis Law (U of C)

Closing Remarks


2015 CKSF Scholarship Recipients

Regular Scholarships
Jennifer Jeong Yeon Khil
University of Calgary 
 Seokwon Jang
University of Calgary 
 Jungmin Park
University of Calgary 
Dong-Joon Kevin Lee 
University of Calgary
 Jaehoon (Jay) Kim
University of Calgary 
 Kyoung Hun Yoo
Medicine Hat College 
 Yunsung Daria Cho
University of Calgary
 Alyson Hyojin Lim
University of Calgary 
 Jaeyoung Kevin Chung
University of Calgary 
Isaac Ha Jun Kim
University of Alberta 
 Jennifer Young Hyun Kim
McGill University 
 Benjamin Sungyoon Kim
University of Calgary 
 Hannah Kim
University of Toronto 
 Heung Ryeol (Henry) Cho
University of Toronto 
 Hyejun Kim
University of  Alberta 
 Ian Chongho Chang
Duke University 
 Irene Kim
University of British Columbia 
 Kwang Ha Joseph Koh
University of Calgary 
 Jihyun Kim
University of British Columbia 
 Sang Yoon Lee
University of Calgary 
 Dan Bi Kim
Jun Ho Lee University of Calgary 
Non-Korean Regular Scholarships 
 Zachary Lok Hei Lee
McGill University 
 Nicole Gabrielle Cala
University of British Columbia
 Curtis Swaine Law
University of Calgary
 Medical/Law School 
Eun Young Kang
University of Calgary (Medicine) 
Inhae Irene Oh
University of Calgary (Law) 
 Special Talents 
 Angela Hyun A Ryu
Bishop Carol High School Music 
 Kevin Hyunwoo Kang
Bishop O`Bryne High School Music 
Megan Lee
Western Canada High School Sport
Non-Korean Student 
 Je Eun Do
University of Calgary
Sil Hee Jin
SAIT Polytechnic
 Jenny Je-Eun  Lee
Western University
Sooji (Suzy) Jung
University of Calgary 
 Ki Young Joshua Ryu
New England Conservatory

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